Shake Up Your Home Bar - Netted
Guide • September 14, 2015

Shake Up Your Home Bar

These 5 services and products will keep your bar stocked and your drinks flowing
  • The Perfect Drink

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    If your mixology skills are as rusty as your grandpa’s shaker, fear not: The Perfect Drink is a scale, app, and cocktail guide that will measure your portions to make sure your drinks come out perfect every time.

  • Tasting Room

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    Your bar needs vino. Join Tasting Room to get six mini bottles to try. Once you taste and rate your wines, Tasting Room creates your free Wine Profile and starts sending you full-size wines you love for a fraction of their retail price. Netted readers get the tasting kit here for just $6.95. Cheers.

  • Cocktail Flow

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    There’s nothing wrong with drinking your whiskey neat, but you have to spice things up once in a while. Cocktail Flow is a website and app for Android, iOS, and Windows phones with a library of cocktail recipes that you can search by spirit type, style, mood, and more.

  • Bartesian

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    Here’s where things get futuristic: Fans of K-Cup coffee will feel right at home with Bartesian (available for pre-order), a machine that makes delicious cocktails from packaged ingredients. Pop in a cup, push a button, and sip—it’s that easy.

  • Mixtura

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    So your family’s heading over for a surprise pop-in, and your liquor cabinet is bare? Mixtura for iOS suggests drinks based on what you have, so you can still placate the fam (or get some liquid courage yourself) and survive this sudden visit unscathed.