Article • October 26, 2011

Read and Browse Free Classic eBooks and Literature

Sail through the classics and more for free with Litfy

We were always told not to be a fool and stay in school – which is pretty ridiculous now, considering our advanced degrees in tomfoolery.

Whether you’re a fool or just looking for a great way to take your books with you, Litfy will let you read all the classics, entirely for free. Thanks to HTML5 compatibility and the ability to make notes, bookmarks and highlights, it’s kind of like the first library that actually wants you to deface their property.

Social features let you share important moments with friends, fellow students or professors. You can also start lists of books you love or look forward to reading.

And as you grow to love the ability to read your favorite books on every mobile browser you own, you can even join discussion groups. As they continue to expand, you can expect a burgeoning forum and some dedicated apps.

As one of our favorite professors once said, “There are some people that say there are things greater than an action-packed piece of literature. I pity those fools.”