Guide • March 19, 2015

Get Your Life in Order with 9 Spring Cleaning Apps

These iOS, Android, and Windows apps and sites will help you tidy up
  • Cleaner Pro

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    Your address book is likely an elephant’s graveyard of duplicate and incomplete entries, and random people your uncle tried to setting you up with. This app will clean up your contacts and fix your formatting. Won’t deter your uncle, though.

  • CloudConvert

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    Are you clogging up your computer with ridiculously huge versions of your files? Convert any file to any other format – including much more compressed ones – and get emailed when the job is done.

  • Inbox Checkup

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    If your email inbox could be featured on a special episode of Hoarders, we’ve got just the thing. Sync it with this application to get analytics on your inbox and mail habits, including how big a mess your situation is compared to others.

  • Olocode

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    Note: Olocode is no longer available.

    True story: People still use rolodexes. Truer story: You don’t have to be one of them. Take all your contacts and business cards and scan them right into the cloud with this Android app. It’ll even notify people when your details change.

  • Paperspace

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    Once upon a time, computers took up whole rooms. Next they dominated your desk. Now you can access your computer from any web browser. This isn’t just the cloud: It’s files, settings, applications – a whole computer, from anywhere.

  • PhotoShrinker

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    (OPEN: Horror Film). Handsome Main Character: Doctor, do you mean to tell me the clutter is coming from inside the phone? Doctor: I’m afraid so. We’ll need an app that compresses photos if we want to stand a chance. HMC: I’ve got just the thing. (Scene. Exit to thunderous applause.)

  • Prism

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    Hey, remember your dining room table? It’s that thing peeking out from beneath your mess of bills. Take back your eating area with Prism. This service lets you review, manage, and pay your bills, all through one super-helpful app.

  • Remote Mouse

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    Look down at your desk. You probably see a keyboard, a mouse, and a smartphone. Your digital spring cleaning starts with this iOS, Android, and Windows app that lets you chuck two of those three and turn your phone into a dual mouse/keyboard.

  • Tradesy

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    Look in your closet. Dresses you haven’t worn in years. Shoes that never fit. That…hat. Technology’s answer to your cluttered closet is Tradesy. Clean out your boudoir and make some money in the process at this online thrift marketplace.