Guide • March 9, 2021

Staff Picks: Her Agenda

The Her Agenda Team shares which apps are helping them tackle 2021
  • Zapier

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    Rhonesha Byng / @NeshasAgenda
    Founder and CEO
    Favorite App/Service: Zapier

    This is next level automation, and especially powerful when you have a small team. It takes a little time to get it all set up and working to your specifications but once you do it’s magic. From Slack engagement, to confirmation emails for events, all of it is possible and customizable with this tool. We consider Zapier another member of the team!

  • Insight Timer

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    Diasia Robinson / @DiasiaJRobinson
    Managing Editor
    Favorite App/Service: Insight Timer

    It’s useful for managing my sleep routine. It also helps in locating guided meditations. It’s very community oriented.

  • M-Pesa

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    Gibson Silali / @silali2
    Web Developer
    Favorite App/Service: M-Pesa

    It’s a mobile money application that is ubiquitous in Kenya, it has recently greatly improved their user experience and is very convenient for cashless payments and expense tracking.

  • Product Hunt

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    Dominique Johnson-Lindsay / @djohnsonlindsay
    Digital Community Manager
    Favorite App/Service: Product Hunt

    I love being ahead of the curve and testing out new products! Marketing is my specialty so I’m always finding tools to help optimize my workflow, but there are many different apps that launch on Product Hunt that are simply fun or really innovative that I take time to try out too.

  • 6 Pack Promise App

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    Miguel Puello
    Graphic Designer
    Favorite App/Service: 6 Pack Promise App

    This app is great for anyone who enjoys a challenge when exercising. The 6 Pack Promise gives you endless amounts of unique ab workouts that you can track and is designed to keep you on track with your ab workouts. The app provides video demonstrations of all exercises and is very convenient on time, ranging from 4-8 minutes a day. Additional features are included such as tracking your progress pictures and meal plans to help you stay consistent within your fitness goals.
