Guide • November 27, 2019

Webby Staff Picks: How to Survive the Holidays

The apps you need to really experience holiday cheer
  • White Noise App

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    Angela Carola, Managing Director, Industry Relations 

    Favorite App/Service: White Noise App 

    “We couldn’t get through the holidays without a White Noise Machine App. I’m from a big family in New Jersey and holidays have 30-40 people crammed into a small house, there is a lot of laughs, food, and BOOZE. That means my husband, 5-year old daughter, and I have to spend the night. We have a designated bedroom that is five feet off the living room and the party rages until the wee hours of the morning. The only way to shut out the noise and get a little bit of sleep (besides the eggnog and spiked cider) is a White Noise App. I’m partial to the Air Conditioner setting but my husband and I both have them and blast them at full volume! There are a lot of choices so search for one that has a tone you like and helps you get some sleep!”

  • Culture Trip

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    Ana Livia Jardine, European Marketing Director, The Lovie Awards

    Favorite App/Service: Culture Trip / My Dad Wrote a Porno

    I love the Culture Trip app. December is usually when I start planning trips for the new year, so looking through the app and the site for inspiration on the places I’ve been thinking about visiting provides a nice break between all the massive meals taking centre stage at my family gatherings. It also makes me look forward to the new year in a really positive light. Podcast-wise, “My Dad Wrote a Porno” is a great one to listen during long flights or if you’ve had a moody day. I literally laugh out loud every time.

  • Friends S5 EP 8: "The One With All the Thanksgivings"

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    Nix Ni, Designer, The Webby Awards

    Favorite App/Service: Friends S5 EP 8: “The One With All the Thanksgivings”

    As someone who comes from a culture that doesn’t celebrate Thanksgivings, Friends, one of the first American tv series I’ve ever watched before I came here, let me get a glimpse of what Thanksgiving would be like in a dramatic(maybe not) way. Still remember Joey’s turkey head look!”

  • Tiny Beans

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    Eva McCloskey,
    Managing Director, AIVA
    Tiny Beans is life-saving as a new(er) parent every day, but I feel the benefits most especially around the holidays. I can document and share every little mundane / perfect moment with a private, closed network of grandparents and far-flung family. I feel confident opting out of the guilt and stress of holiday travel because Tiny Beans lets our family circle check in on baby Tiger as often as they’d like.
  • Heads Up

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    Emily Warren, Managing Director, The Lovie Awards  

    Favorite App/Service: Heads Up 

    “Heads Up is truly just so much fun — it’s the perfect activity for post-huge-meals, where everyone can play, kids and adults alike. Laughs are guaranteed; laughter is my antidote of choice to the inevitable political arguing that is sure to arise between my extended family when trapped all together for an entire day at home!”

  • Criterion Channel

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    Terence Brosnan, Executive & Operational Assistant, The Webby Awards

    Favorite App/Service: Criterion Channel

    “Don’t worry, I’m not watching these movies on my phone, Martin Scorsese. But since it came out earlier this year, my favorite activity to avoid conversations at gatherings is going through the huge list of films the Criterion Channel has to offer and adding some to my watch list for a later time (and with a larger screen).”

  • Co-Star

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    Jason Brickhill, Social Media Manager, The Webby Awards

    Co – Star” is a super-personalized astrology app that’s remarkably accurate. It’s social feature lets you add friends (or your significant other) to learn your compatibility, providing day-to-day updates. Sometimes it’s nice to see these things written out which helps to avoid any clashes… hey, everyone has their days! Just be sure to know the exact time of your birth for the most accurate results!
