Sick of scrolling through iTunes only to see Portishead songs labeled “Track 01” and blank spots where Clash album art should be?
Download TuneUp, an application that fills in the missing info–artist, song name, album, release year, cover art and genre–for any questionably sourced music in your digital library (not that you ever used Napster or uploaded a bootlegged CD).
TuneUp runs alongside iTunes. You drag your “dirty” tracks into the TuneUp box and it compares the songs to the Gracenote database, pulling in the missing data.
While TuneUp isn’t 100% reliable at identifying every song ever made it was accurate enough to straighten out our messy song library.
There’s also something called “Tuniverse”—interesting service, so-so name—that’s meant to enhance your music experience by providing related band suggestions, videos, bios and even alerts for upcoming concerts.
One thing it won’t do: Purge your system of all those Candlebox albums.