Ever wondered about the chemical make-up of your shampoo, or whether your child’s toys were actually made in a Chinese sweatshop?
Now you can find out, thanks to a great new service called GoodGuide, which reveals what’s really beneath the labels of 70,000 products, including food, toys, personal care items and household products.
The site offers a massive database of product reviews, expert advice and brand rankings, evaluating supposedly healthy products based on their personal, environmental and social impact. You can search for a specific product or browse by category.
Dive into a sub-category – household cleaners, say – and you’ll see a ranked list of all the products they review (every product is given a ranking out of 10), starting with the top ranked.
Click on a specific product and you’re taken to a page that has detailed ratings, information on the ingredients, user reviews, and a host of details about what goes into the overall ranking.
In addition to these thorough reviews, the site has relevant articles and issue guides. They also have a free iPhone app that allows you to scan the barcodes of various products when you’re at the store for health and environmental ratings.
As far as guides go this one is, uh, pretty good.