Every year more than 10 million mobile phones are lost in the U.S. Another million or so laptops go missing.
To help reunite people with their expensive, addictive gadgets a new service called TigerTag has created what it calls a “global lost and found exchange.”
Basically Tiger Tag offers consumers the chance to affix a small anonymous label onto their phones, cameras, laptops, MP3 players, and countless other gadgets.
Each tag has a unique ID number that is connected to the object and the owner’s profile. The service is free; all you pay is the $1.99 shipping charge for the tags.
When somebody finds your item the label directs them to the website. When they enter the ID number you are immediately sent a notification email.
To help get lost items back TigerTag operates a 24/7 service center. They also have a partnership with FedEx to ensure that found items are returned promptly. (The owner of the lost item pays the shipping cost).
In addition, TigerTag collaborates with law enforcement and integrates with national registries of stolen goods to ensure protection of your valuables.
While the system relies on the kindness of strangers to work properly, the company claims that over 75% of TigerTag users recover their lost items, often within a day.