Finding quality streaming movies these days is a challenge. For every indie darling that makes it into the Netflix rotation, there are a dozen bloated Michael Bay-type dogs taking up space.
Enter MUBI, a site that streams high-definition versions of hard-to-find independent, foreign, and festival films, all for $5.99 per month.
The site features hundreds of films, including the Criterion Collection’s archive of director’s cuts and selections from the the library of Martin Scorsese’s prestigious World Cinema Foundation.
And, unlike other streaming sites, MUBI’s engineers actively work to improve the quality of what they’re delivery, including the addition of 5.1 Dolby surround sound and high-definition encoding (all of which can be enjoyed with a special player or download).
The site also has a strong community aspect, so you’ll no longer need to bother your spouse with endless digressions about Bergman’s Wild Strawberries or Lamorisse’s The Red Balloon.
Not that there’s anything wrong with talking about (or watching) overindulgent lunk-headed action flicks…