Unless you have a live-in stylist, finding the time to make beauty and grooming appointments can be a chore.
Enter Lifebooker, a free service that allows you to search for appointments, browse exclusive deals, and book services from the best health and beauty businesses in your area. (The service is only in LA and NYC for now, but will be expanding soon).
Once you sign up for a free account, begin searching for appointments in categories ranging from hair treatments to full body massages to personal training.
And, yes, they have a section for dudes.
The site provides a variety of filters to apply to your query, including time of day, discount percentage, and price range. Each listing provides basic information about the venue and treatment, along with reviews for each specific service it provides.
Lifebooker even gives you “Reward Dollars” every time you book an appointment that can be put toward paying for future services.
The only one who may be unhappy with Lifebooker is the guy who does your hair at Supercuts.