Article • May 27, 2010

Gift Economy

A Curated Marketplace For The Crafty And The Clever

While Amazon has a fine selection of commodities, sometimes it’s a bit too mainstream to satisfy your creative shopping urges.

For a more tailored shopping experience, try Makers Market, an eclectic online marketplace curated by the creators of Make and Boing Boing.

The product offerings tend toward the tastefully unique, with a focus on technology, science and the cleverly crafty, such as a clock made from old computer components (pictured, at right).

The site also offers jewelry, clothing and home furnishings.  And everything is made by the individual “makers” (not some factory in China).

Each maker is hand chosen, ensuring that everything available is up to a certain level of quality.  And the site’s design is clean and appealing, which makes the experience even more artful.

Makers Market doesn’t require you to sign up for an account to peruse the site or make a purchase. So just start browsing

Father’s Day is coming up.  And what dad wouldn’t love a set of towels featuring a hand-drawn diagram of a pinball machine?
