Article • June 28, 2010

Control Freak

A Task Management Service That Maximizes Productivity

Staying productive is hard, what with all the exciting ways to waste time the Internet provides.

Fortunately, there’s Action Method, a service that helps your organize and execute all your projects.

Start by creating a new action—cleaning out your storage room, say—and assigning it to a project, be it work-related or personal.

Action Method allows you to delegate tasks to other people using their email address. You can even send a “nag” to remind someone of a task you assigned to them.

If there’s a work in progress that requires some input, you can begin a discussion thread (this is great for avoiding email inbox overload). You can even upload pictures and documents for quick feedback.

The first 50 new action steps are free. After that, the service costs $12 a month or $99 for a year (there’s also a free iPhone app).

Use it or you may end up being recruited for an episode of Hoarders.
