Getting the lay of the land of a new urban neighborhood is difficult. (There are over 80,000 in the U.S. alone).
Thankfully, there’s Nabewise, a new site that takes user reviews to collect data and rank neighborhoods in American cities based on a wide range of criteria.
Simply pick which city you’re looking to explore (currently served are New York, San Francisco, Boston and Seattle, with more to launch soon). Nabewise takes votes and reviews from locals to determine the pace and lifestyle of specific neighborhoods.
Nabewise allows you to assess based on a wide array of attributes, including quality of life (safety, average rent), demographics (singles, parents, beautiful people) and activities (parks, shopping and nightlife).
Once you’ve narrowed down your choices, you can visit each neighborhood’s profile page. There you can find out everything from the median cost of homes to which public transport lines serve the area to how good the local schools are.
The only thing left for you to do will be convincing your friends to help you move your stuff.