Article • August 17, 2010

Read Books On the Go By Email or RSS Feed

Receive books in 15 minute digital installments with DailyLit

Getting into a book is always a great feeling. But when free time dwindles, reading is usually one of the first activities to become neglected.

To stay on top of your books, there’s DailyLit, a service that uses email and RSS feeds to send you small segments of books, allowing you to read wherever you have your mobile device.

They currently offer more than 1000 titles, ranging from classic literature to the newest non-fiction.  Many are free, while others are available on a pay per read basis.

Start by logging in with your Facebook, Twitter, Google or OpenID account (you only need to register an account if you want to post on their forums) and begin browsing their selection of titles.

From there, select how often you’d like to receive installments and how large you’d like the segments to be.

If you hit your stride, you can immediately request the next segment; if you get busy, you can reduce the frequency with which you receive them.

It’s cheap, easy and a lot lighter than that dead tree copy of The Brothers Karamazov you’re toting around.