Part of the joy of food is sharing your favorite meals with friends. But when it comes time to remember what foods friends have recommended, it can get difficult.
Thankfully, there’s Foodspotting, a social network site that allows you to make recommendations by snapping pictures of dishes from restaurants that you love and search for dishes in your area that you’d like to try.
Just set up a free account and begin searching the posted dishes in your zip code. You can “want” dishes you’d like to try, “nom” dishes that you’ve had and loved, or add a dish that you’ve had and isn’t on the site yet (just be sure to snap a picture).
The site is handy for seeing recent photos of those meals you’ve been meaning to try. You can follow restaurants (or like-minded Foodspotters) to stay on top of the latest sightings, and plan your dining expeditions accordingly.
Downloading the new Foodspotting iPhone app (just released) makes sharing and finding meals even easier. It incorporates all social aspects of the site and allows you to visualize great meals on the go.
Just make sure your appetite matches all that your eyes will now see.