Correction Course - Netted
Article • August 31, 2010

Correction Course

A Way To Break Bad Habits In 6 Weeks

We all have habits we want to break.  But wanting and doing are two very different things.

That’s where Habit Changer can help.  The service provides the tools necessary to correct bad habits in 42 days.

To start, choose your program from one their three broad categories (eating, finances and living). Eating includes things like losing weight while living includes the perennial vow to quit smoking.

When you choose a specific program—”stop stressing,” for example—you’ll register and pay (programs start at $15.95).

From there you’ll get a detailed “toolkit” that’s made up of daily work plans with step-by-step actions. These include challenges, email reminders, to do lists and a calendar that tracks your progress.

Each program is divided into digestible daily segments with instructions on how to focus your energies.  Of course, what you get out of this will depend on what you put into it.

Change happens, but it’s nice to know there’s help along the way.

Of course, you could take our default route and simply talk about making changes for the next 42 days.