Article • September 7, 2010

Answer One Question Per Day In Your Own Secret Online Space

10Q is a simple way to reflect on the past & slow things down

Modern life moves fast.  We call this progress, but it can come at the cost of deeper thinking.

Hoping to provide you some pause is 10Q, a new project that offers a way to slow down and reflect.

Start by creating a free account and entering your email address. From there, you’ll be asked to answer a question every day for 10 days, starting tomorrow.

(The project is based on the idea that Jews have historically spent the 10 days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur thinking about the previous year, but the site is agnostic, and premised on the idea that we can all use some introspection).

The questions range from those that probe your personal relationships to world events.  You can choose to keep your answers to yourself, submit them anonymously or credit yourself and display them to whomever you choose.

Your answers will be securely locked away in a digital vault, and will be emailed to you a year from now, to give you a sense of perspective, and to provide a baseline for the process the next time you do it.

The questions will also be posted on electronic billboards in Times Square, on the Vegas Strip and throughout Silicon Valley in an effort to get citizens of the busiest places in America to slow things down.

Here’s to a better, brighter future.
