Preserve and Reinvent Your Favorite Recipes - Netted
Article • October 8, 2010

Preserve and Reinvent Your Favorite Recipes

BakeSpace is a social network for the food obsessed

In the days of yore, cooking was a social endeavor and the hearth was the center of the home.

Applying that logic to the online world is BakeSpace, a grassroots social network for people who love cooking, baking and hanging out in the kitchen.

While the site allows anyone to browse recipes, creating an account allows you to get the most out of the site by building a “virtual kitchen.” You can find and add foodie friends and store their recipes in your “recipe box,” or add and share your own dishes.

From there, you can use BakeSpace to socialize however you’d like: uploading cooking videos, creating blog posts or raiding the “virtual pantry” (an online discussion).

If you’re looking to expand your culinary horizons, you can take advantage of the site’s new mentor program. Want to try your hand at Indian food? Canning? Bread making? Your mentor can help get you started.

Apparently there can never be too many cooks in the kitchen.