• October 25, 2010
Discover Great New Music Via The Blogosphere

There once was a time when radio DJ’s could influence entire generations with the songs they played. But today, thanks to a certain behemoth who will remain unnamed, terrestrial airwaves have become a wasteland.
We recommend Shuffler, a new service that navigates the uncharted waters of the music blogosphere to discover great new tunes.
Using it is as simple as picking a genre. You can keep it broad with indie, hip hop, or electronic music, or you can get a little more niche with female vocalists, shoegaze or songs that have fewer than 2000 listens.
Your browser visits the blog post where the song you’re listening to was found, making it a great way to window shop potential new blogs. As they put it, “The web is your player, bloggers are your dj’s.”
Consider it the logical offspring of Wolfman Jack and Arpanet.