Shopping Spree - Netted
Article • December 9, 2010

Shopping Spree

A Database of Shopping Coupons You’ll Actually Want

The holidays are fast approaching, which means everyone is desperate to find bargains.

To make your shopping experience saner try Spreezio, a free database of location-based shopping deals and coupons.

To begin, simply visit Spreezio, choose your location, and begin searching for available sales in your area.

Your search can be as general as a clothing category (t-shirt, sweater) or as specific as a particular brand.

Once you’ve submitted a search, Spreezio will search for all active coupons at brick and mortar stores within whatever distance range you’re willing to travel (the default is 10 miles).

From there, you can claim any of the coupons you’re interested in by simply printing them out. Just take your printed coupon to the store and present it when you’re ready to make a purchase.

Time to start clipping.