Article • January 12, 2011

Browse and Discover the Latest Books with the Click of an Email

Stay up to date about new books in your favorite genres with Any New Books?
These days it seems like the only time a new book gets a ton of attention is when it’s penned by a Jersey Shore cast member, which can obscure excellent new releases focused on subjects other than poufs, tanscaping, and fist pumps.

For hand-selected book recommendations, try Any New Books?, a free way to stay informed about new releases in the genres that interest you.

Signing up is as simple as providing your email address and selecting topics that interest you, including fiction, non-fiction and audiobooks on a variety of subjects.

Book notifications come in the form of a weekly email that includes all of the pertinent publishing information and a link to purchase the book on Amazon (including a dedicated Kindle section).

You can also share your suggestions via Facebook and Twitter, allowing your network to know how literary you are.

Welcome to the Netted Lifestyle: Gym, Tanning, Literature.