Article • January 13, 2011

Earth Days

Help The Environment Through The Power Of Shopping

When you were a kid, Captain Planet made saving the environment seem so easy and fun. Unfortunately, as an adult, the inspiration can be a little harder to come by.

Start with Do The Green Thing, a not-for-profit public service that inspires people to lead a greener life with simple tips and eco-conscious shopping options.

We especially love their idea to “save” t-shirts. Donated shirts are redesigned, stitched up, thoroughly cleaned and then sold for $30, complete with a tag that explains how they were saved from the landfill. It’s like recycling has the superpower to salvage old garments and turn them into items you’ll want to wear.

It may not look exactly like Captain Planet’s outfit, but you can parade your new look around town knowing that you’ve done some good for Mother Earth. There’s also the added bonus that all proceeds go to a charity dedicated to fighting climate change.

Beware of Craigslist ads selling jewelry that controls the elements. Trust us when we say this is a better option.