Like the time Houdini made the Empire State Building disappear, watching the guts of your digital identity vanish is the ultimate nightmare scenario no one wants to see.
Backupify is the anti-Copperfield, protecting against things like “disapparating” Google Apps and preserving your Picasa pictures if you accidentally delete something you still need.
The free version will store up to two gigabytes of information from five services and update once a week.
When you consider the vastness of your Facebook photo albums (or that Google accidentally deleted 150,000 Gmail inboxes last week), protecting your online life may be more important than you realized.
Backing up digital information within the cloud will make your precious digital memories more secure than David Blaine inside a safe, shackled with chains, dunked in a pool.
Sign up now and prevent the Criss Angels of the Internet from mind-freaking your important information out of existence.