Article • May 12, 2011

Scene It

Record And Share Beautiful Videos

As Scorsese always says, “A truly great film is like a Facebook status update: thought-provoking, seen by millions, and beloved by the critics.”

When the moment strikes to shoot the perfect short film, you’ll be prepared with either Viddy for iPhone or Socialcam for Android. Both make sharing videos directly to social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr convenient and simple.

Viddy makes any video look professional by offering filters like Black & White and Vintage. (Yes, it’s been called “The Instagram of Video.”) All clips are limited to 15 seconds, so scrolling through your newsfeed is like attending your own mini film festival.

Socialcam doesn’t boast the same filtering capability but does offer unlimited recording length and the ability to tag your friends in videos as if it were already on Facebook. iPhone users who need more than 15 seconds to express their artistic vision may want to consider Socialcam as well.

We doubt Stanley Kubrick would have put so much trust in the hands of technology, but we’re sure he would think the films look great.