Few realize that the invention of the T-shirt was preceded by the poorly conceived “S-shirt.” Lucky for us the T-shirt came along and has been the preferred shirt ever since.
In fact, T-shirts are so popular that our local Goodwill and Salvation Army stores are overflowing with them. These stores in turn sell the extra shirts (yes, sell them) to developing countries, and that’s where Project Repat steps in.
Project Repat buys back the coolest, funniest T-shirts to resell on their site and donates the profit to charity. Turns out the ironic T-shirt has significantly more value here than Tanzania.
Each tee is washed twice and stamped with a Project Repat symbol. Your new-old tee isn’t just hilarious, but also a show of good taste and consideration for your fellow human beings.
Of course, these shirts aren’t just taken from the nice locals. Rest assured, each shirt is repurchased for a fair price and your $25 is returned to the area as support for local non-profits.
As much as we love Project Repat, we might blow them out of the water with our forthcoming modern marvel: the U-shirt. The patent’s already pending, so don’t get any ideas.