Article • May 26, 2011

Watch This Closely

Queue And Watch Videos From All Over The Web

Mom always said “Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover.” We agree, and we’d like to offer a 2011 reboot: “Don’t Judge a Website by the Number of Vowels in its URL.”

That brings us to Squrl, a super-useful video collection tool that lets you save up videos to watch later, like the proverbial “squrl” gathering nuts for the winter.

The site builds on the idea of the “universal queue,” letting you pick and choose videos from across Netflix, Hulu, Vimeo, YouTube and more. All of your “must-watch-but-maybe-not-right-now-at-the-office” videos are available in one convenient list anytime from your iPhone, iPad, PC and web-enabled TV.

It’s also easy to remind yourself to remember to watch: Just bookmark, email or tweet the videos to add them to your queue. And friends can email their recommended videos too, so you can be confident your queue’s viral videos are current.

Perhaps our favorite feature is the ability to organize videos into themed collections to be shared with the public. Choice collections include GrownUp Cartoons, MIT’s OpenCourseWare VIdeos, and our favorite: Police Procedurals.

However, we do not advise you trust actual squirrels you meet outdoors, because rabies is scary.