Netted has been training a pack of puppies to respond to our emails to ease our workload. They’re not terrible typists, but they keep running into trouble with attachments.
Dropdo makes a link for individual pictures, documents, videos or PDFs. Instead of unnecessarily clogging up both your outbox and your inbox with attachments, just include a Dropdo link so your recipients can easily view what you’re sending them.
A lot of the time, getting a photo or document to someone else involves a lot of cumbersome click-here, send-there, download-sometime. Now, files can be viewed or listened to by your friends with a quick drag and drop.
When you install the Chrome or Firefox extensions, uploading items to Dropdo is as easy as right-clicking. If your file wows everyone so much they have to have it for themselves, the option to download or keep the sharing cycle going is right beneath their browser bar.
We’re excited our puppies will be helping out. We even let them write the sign-off for this email! BjoinsdkFGNn38Bunqw2D8ndsm!