Every day Team Netted brings you the best of the web, complete with a 6 year old show-and-tell addict’s enthusiasm.
That’s why we love Meebo: It helps you find more of what you love on the web by connecting you with others. After all, everybody gushes about their favorite bands or movies… why shouldn’t awesome websites get the same attention?
Get started on Meebo just by downloading the the Meebo browser extension (affectionately known as the “Meebo MiniBar”) and “checking in” to the site you’re visiting. Sharing where you visit or what you find interesting is only as public as you want it to be, although broadcasting to your networks is a snap.
Our favorite part is seeing what others are reading, watching and recommending. Plus Meebo makes it easy to find and follow others with similar interests and check out their recommendations too.
Ready to get started? In honor of Internet Week New York, Meebo has launched the True New Yorker Quest. It’s a fun way to use web check-ins to discover new sites and unlock badges to explore all the Big Apple has to offer.
It’s the best thing to happen to online discovery since the Lycos dog.