Success in life requires only three things: brush and floss daily, celebrate the entire Hall & Oates catalogue, and find a stylish way to stay organized.
Thoughtboxes might be the custom Tom Ford suit of productivity tools. Instead of a giant, daunting outline with obscure references, Thoughtboxes takes one overarching idea and breaks it down into boxes which can then be separated into notes, tasks and links.
It’s an aesthetically pleasing approach to planning your next trip, brainstorming party ideas or organizing projects at work by separating ideas and tasks into color-coded boxes. Basically, it puts the messy scribbles in your Moleskine notebooks to shame.
If your tasks change, you can move related thoughtboxes next to each other so all the right information won’t get lost. Think of it as a giant e-bulletin board filled with everything your working on.
And if you choose to listen to “I Can’t Go For That” while getting organized… well, that will only help.