Article • June 23, 2011

Separate Checks

Split, Send And Pay Your Bills

Destiny’s Child popularized bill paying with a smash single in the late 90s. But if Beyonce’s solo career has taught us anything, it’s that paying bills as a group is easier said than done.

PayDivvy takes the torture out of splitting a bill fairly by letting everyone settle up online.

Anyone signed up to use the service can easily transfer money to another user. For example, If you’re in charge of the bill, just tell PayDivvy who owes what, and the site will collect automatically and deposit the cash in your account.

What about when you’re on the hook for a few dollars? PayDivvy can pay your friends or bills from your checking account or a linked credit card. It’s perfect for making sure the overspenders in your life make good (not that we would know anything about that).

Rest assured: It’s easy to schedule recurring payments and payment reminders. And most importantly, PayDivvy promises bank-level security to keep all your sensitive info safe.

It’s the end of writing personal checks or handing off loose cash. It’s certainly made the group payments on Team Netted’s new hovercraft way easier to manage.