There are lots of bills worth liking: dollar bills, the Bill of Rights, and Bill Pullman, just to name a few. Others, like that unpaid cellular bill from the late 90s, are nothing but hassle.
Now that we’re older, wiser, and way more responsible, we use Manilla to manage all our finances in one spot – and never pay a bill late. It works hand-in-hand with your bank accounts, credit cards, household bills, frequent flyer programs and even magazine subscriptions to create a centralized financial dashboard.
Simply add your accounts, like your wireless carrier, electric company, and checking account, and settle up everything you owe right from Manilla. The site will even send helpful reminder emails or text messages when bills are due to help you help yourself.
Companies on Manilla no longer have to mail you paper copies of your bill, saving money for them and keeping Manilla free for you. It’s a greener alternative to old-school paper billing that also saves on stamps. And of course, all this problem solving comes with bank-level security verified by the best in the business.
To quote the great Bill Pullman in Independence Day, “Today we celebrate our independence…” from worrying about fees and due dates.