We’re fortunate the most serious emergencies we ever encounter result from accidentally clicking “reply all.”
In the event of an actual disaster, getting in touch with loved ones is a top priority, which is why we like I’m OK!, a service that will notify friends and family for you in case you can’t.
We’ve seen in the past that cellular networks get overloaded easily, making it impossible to place or receive a call just when you need it most. I’m OK relies on SMS, making it easier for your message to get through during busy times.
Just set up your I’m OK emergency contact list ahead of time. Then if you need to message your list (either that you’re ok or that you need help), just text the I’m OK number. The site will email your entire contact list to let them know how you’re doing.
Like an ejector seat on a jet, it’s a service we hope you’ll never have to use… but we’re still very happy it’s there.