Article • July 20, 2011

To-Done List

Keep Track of Your Daily Accomplishments

We’ve decided that whoever said “the best way to see forward is to look back” probably didn’t mean it literally. At least, that’s the conclusion we’ve drawn from a recent spate of snowmobile racing injuries.

The wisdom of reflection becomes clear when you track past actions with iDoneThis. It’s a simple productivity tool that works just by having you write down the things you’ve achieved each day.

After signing up, you’ll begin receiving a simple email every day. Just reply to it with a list of the day’s accomplishments and they’ll be automatically added to your iDoneThis calendar. Each entry is stored privately, like a digital journal.

The best part is versatility: You’re encouraged to reply to the email however you’d like. They don’t care whether you’re trying to stay motivated for a long-term work project, lose weight, train for a marathon or simply record your thoughts. iDoneThis records all of it with ease and efficiency so you can track progress or push yourself harder.

It’s way more effective than the last journal we kept, which was mostly filled with cringeworthy poetry and angry rants against our algebra teacher.