Society is almost at a point where not having a personal website is almost as bad as having “” as your email address. The only thing worse is passing your contact information along via cocktail napkin.
To finally get yourself online, try Magnt. The free service makes all of your contact information available on one universally accessible page and as a downloadable V-Card.
Setting up a page is quick, painless and free. You can include as much or as little contact information as you’d like, and even include your social media accounts like your Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and latest Tumblr posts.
Concerned about aesthetics? You can personalize the look of your site with a gallery of customizable themes and layouts. Pro account pages are also optimized to look incredibly sleek while being viewed on a mobile device.
Most features are free, but signing up for a Pro account will get you a custom domain name and custom email address for a truly professional touch. They usually go for $9 per month or $99 per year, but since we love you, Netted readers can purchase Pro accounts for $5 per month or $50 per year. Just enter the promo code “netted” at checkout.
The good news is we can use our old business cards to finally fashion that dress Lady Gaga has been asking about for months.