Article • August 15, 2011

Garden Variety

Map And Schedule Your Garden

Despite our best efforts, we still struggle with the “flora” half of flora and fauna. We keep planting Cheerios with the hope they’ll grow into doughnut trees.

We’re finally savvy to the green thumbs and helpful hands on Smart Gardener. With their help, you can plan and plant your entire garden based on your location, the size of your family and the seasons.

The site will generate a list of plants recommended for you, and help you plot them in a virtual garden designed for the best results. Your choice of plants will then be automatically added to a combined calendar and to-do list so you know when to pot, plant and water. You can even order your seeds directly through the site.

SmartGardener also sends email reminders of to-do items, in case you don’t have time to check in every day or just need help remembering. But if you do have some spare time on your hands, there are pages and pages of helpful gardening advice to ogle.

Sadly, we still have to go to Krispy Kreme for our doughnut supply. But we’re not going to stop planting Frosted Cheerios; we love glazed doughnuts way too much!
