When it comes to speedily responding to emails, we like to think we’re right up there with the C.C.s of the world: C.C. DeVille writes beautifully with the tips of his fingers and C.C. Sabathia always knocks it out of the park.
So imagine our delight when we found a reminder service called FollowUp.cc. By simply sending correspondence to the email addresses they provide, you can prioritize your email and follow up later on important emails.
Want examples? If you need to follow up in 12 hours, just BCC 12hours@followup.cc in your email response. Need to get in touch on Monday? Monday@followup.cc should do it.
You get the idea. There are hundreds of email reminder formats to choose from, and each will generate a reminder, whether it’s minutes or months.
Plus, when you log in, there’s a monthly calendar waiting with all your reminders and a set of snooze buttons that can delay your response as long as you’d like.
Followup provides a free thirty day trial for their personal accounts, but Netted readers can receive an additional free personal month. After you sign up, just forward this email to contact@followup.cc for your extra month.
Now that our email’s under control, we finally have time to get the band back together. We’re thinking of calling it “C.C. Revival.”