Article • September 9, 2011

Brose and Shop Uncommon Designs by Independent Artists

Design prints for home & self with RedBubble

Look, we never promised we’d grow up. And we were baffled that people kept laughing at our taped-up posters and ratty tees, till we realized youthfulness has nothing to do with the age of your stuff.

Thankfully, the fine folks at RedBubble have helped us update our wardrobe and our home decor. They offer quality prints and clothing, with everything from framed fine art photos to the illustrated nerd references we love.

Whether you’re in search of Dalek depictions or sweeping scenic landscapes, everything you need to make your life beautiful again is here. And since winter’s right around the corner, we’re stocking up on typography-themed graphic hoodies and robot illustration long-sleeved shirts.

Netted subscribers can stock up too, with a 10% discount on your order when you enter code “Netted” at check-out.

Without RedBubble, we never would have been able to go from infant to teenager to adult to better-dressed adult with the heart of a teenager.