Few people realize that Stanley Kubrick’s landmark film 2001: A Space Odyssey was originally a paean to literature, but studio executives stepped in to censor the film after the movie adaptation of Fahrenheit 451 bombed. They insisted Stanley black out the book covers and pages in the film, leaving us with the enduring image now known as the Monolith.
You, too, can celebrate the glory of reading by coordinating a Tumblr account with Otlet’s Shelf. With just a couple of clicks you can have the most beautiful bookshelf on the Internet or the convenient wishlist you’ve always wanted.
The basics are simple: Just set up a Tumblr account and install the Otlet’s Shelf theme and bookmarklet for your browser. After that 120 second ordeal, you’re ready to start publishing to your brand-new book blog. Go to Amazon and go crazy using the bookmarklet to add books to your new blog.
The book shows up on your virtual bookshelf, along with a summary and whatever tags you want to add. Paul Otlet was able to improve on the Dewey Decimal System, so we suggest using his developments in information science as inspiration to tag your books on Tumblr: “#toread,” perhaps, or maybe “#bestbooknotyetaMichaelBaymovie.”
If you’re not already using Tumblr’s original microblogging platform, signing up is super easy, and Otlet’s Shelf is one of the best uses of it that we’ve seen.
With the help of Otlet’s digital index cards, you can finally celebrate the 10th anniversary of the best movie about out-of-this-world books ever released.