Article • September 30, 2011

Print Your Personal Photos on Canvas

Convert any digital photo into fine art on canvas with CanvasPop

If you’re like us, you have a ton of display-quality photographs just sitting on your computer. We’ve thought about submitting them to our new favorite reality show, “America’s Next Top MySpace Photographer,” but apparently they only accept self-portraits taken in a mirror.

If you’re ready to turn those idle digital photos into fine art, there’s CanvasPop. The site lets you create customized artwork on high quality canvas from just about any photo, all for a very reasonable cost.

Creating your artwork is as simple as uploading your image and choosing the size canvas you’d like, though CanvasPop offers tons of options to customize your new artwork, like multiple panel displays, filter effects, custom sizes, and framing.

We especially love the ability to upload photos from Facebook, Instagram, your phone or just about anywhere without having to worry about the resolution or print quality: CanvasPop’s in-house designers will work with you and your image (and filters, if necessary) to make sure your art is wall-worthy.

And to help you express yourself, CanvasPop is offering a free 8″x10″ canvas for Netted subscribers simply for liking them on Facebook. Those looking to go big can forgo the free canvas, and instead get a $49 credit toward a larger size.

We’re hoping the home decor upgrade will get us bumped up the waiting list for “So You Think You Can Design With the Stars.”