Learn Where You Spend Most of Your Money - Netted
Article • November 3, 2011

Learn Where You Spend Most of Your Money

Cut your poor spending habits and get more fiscally responsible with Spendful

After living well beyond our means, our empty wallets were becoming a burden. We were also concerned that our eau de mothballs was starting to overpower innocent bystanders.

We’ve gotten back to being ourselves with help from budgets on Spendful. Spendful helps you make budgets freely and easily. By dividing every budget simply into income and expenses, you’ll have a clear understanding of your financial status.

Each budget’s individual profits or losses are instantaneous and always viewable in the top left corner. They also carry over from month to month so you can plan anticipate future money moves.

Perhaps most importantly, you can divide things into separate budgets. The simplicity carries across so you can compartmentalize everything from your shoe budget right down to your shoestring budget.

Thanks to them, we’ve shifted our priorities from bulk mothballs and new wallets to a new pair of shoes.