Cooking with limited supplies sometimes takes the same precision and ability to improvise under pressure as MacGyver. Yet, we still get asked to step out of the kitchen after we make our infamous bubblegum, rubber band and paper clip soup.
The next time you only have a couple of ingredients lying around the pantry, try FoodPair. You can search by ingredients or filter by personal restrictions for recipes you can make right now.
In fact, if you’re a vegan looking for a spinach-based salad recipe crafted by either Jaime Oliver or Martha Stewart with 6-10 total ingredients, that is oddly specific of you – but totally reasonable on FoodPair. And when you sign up, it remembers your important filters for you. With a single click, you can even add recipes to your “My Recipes” section, where they become sort of your personal online cookbook.
The only thing left to do is grab our trusty Swiss Army Knife and attempt to perfect our trademark 7-Seasoned Danger Stew. Only this time around, we might go easy on the eraser shavings.