When it comes to computer security, we here at Netted have a saying: “Whoops.”
It was coined by our president, who inadvertently left the company iPad “somewhere in Stockholm, probably.”
If only we’d installed Prey, a tracking program for computers and smartphones that, in the event your device is stolen, will broadcast everything from location to screenshots to webcam pics directly to your inbox.
You can also remotely trigger anti-theft operations that will change the system password, blare an alarm for 30 seconds, alert the thief he’s being tracked, and clear your browser cache.
Prey is free for up to two devices, but has a scalable monthly fee for as few as three and as many as 500. It runs on Windows, Mac, Ubuntu, iOS, and Android, and won’t siphon off any of your CPU’s valuable performance until it is activated.
As for our iPad, we’ll have to settle for sending it an email that says, “Please do not look in the folder named Company Party Photos. Thanks.”