Article • November 22, 2011

All-Points Bulletin

Location-Based News from n0tice

They say a groundless rumor covers a lot of ground – like when Twitter told us that Tony Danza died while filming a mountain climbing movie in New Zealand. (I mean, Tony Danza in a mountain climbing movie?)

Here with a better way to spread real news is n0tice.

A brainchild of The Guardian, n0tice acts as a virtual version of an IRL bulletin board. Hone in on your immediate area (between a one and 50 mile radius) and get an up-to-date compilation of nearby news, items for sale, and community group activity. Add your own link, image, or classified on any board to get in on the action.

Indeed, the site’s strongest showings are currently in England, but users on this side of the pond now have the ability to create their own noticeboards. And since we love you as much as we love breaking local news, we’ve secured some invite codes especially for Netted readers.

We feel like more grounded citizens already.
