Article • December 5, 2011

Store, Organize, and Share Your Favorite Content

Collect anything from the Web with Gimme Bar

Since the dawn the Internet, people everywhere have marveled: “This is great! But will that GIF of the sun rising stay on that website forever?”

And when the sun set on that GIF-bearing page, hearts everywhere broke.

Finally, Gimme Bar (the self-proclaimed “5th greatest invention of all time”) is here to offer stability in an instable cyber world, archiving any piece of content from the Web – forever.

Click the Gimme Bar bookmarklet and a thin bar pops up at the bottom of the page showing your public and private folders. Drag and drop photos and links, and poof: They’re saved. Highlight a portion of text or scroll over a video and you are offered the option to stash that away, too.

Collections are archived back at your Gimme Bar account, all easily accessible with the help of handy thumbnails and a search feature. The service even lets you back up accounts you already have (including Delicious and Twitter).

All the power feels like witnessing the dawn of a new age of the Internet.