Take a picture. Rename it. Make it smaller. Upload it to Facebook. Repeat.
Kind of like a Rube Goldberg machine, except you do all the work.
Wappwolf makes that chore (and about 30 others) a simple one-step process with a little help from Dropbox. Meaning if you don’t have a Dropbox account, go get one now. We’ll wait.
Ok, now consider the aforementioned Facebook problem. With Wappwolf, you could create a specific folder in Dropbox called “Facebook photos.” Then, using Wappwolf’s step-by-step process, create a rule that says, “Every time I add a photo to that folder, rename it with today’s date, reduce it to 640×480, and upload it to Facebook.” Drag a bunch of photos in and poof: You’re done.
Other things Wappwolf can automate: emailing attachments to people, converting documents to Kindle ePub, password protecting files, uploading items to Evernote, converting to PDF, and plenty more otherwise laborious tasks.
Plus, Wappwolf just brought their automation features to Google Drive, and plans for SkyDrive and box are in the works.
So all this free storage space can start doing the work for you.