Article • August 7, 2012

Hear Ye Hear NYT

Convert Online Articles into MP3s with SoundGecko

We get it. You’re busy. In fact, you shouldn’t be wasting time reading this email.

Instead, you should have someone read it to you.

So copy this link and paste it into SoundGecko, a new site that converts any Web article into a spoken-word MP3.

But if opening SoundGecko’s homepage is too many steps, email the link to or install the service’s Chrome extension for one-click convenience.

In a few short minutes, you’ll receive an email with a link to your now-robot-narrated news. Click to listen immediately or right-click and save the file for later use.

There’s no registration necessary, though if you create an account you’ll be able to sync SoundGecko to your DropBox and Google Drive accounts as well as use the service’s iPhone app.

Now back to work.