Article • August 23, 2012

Support Up-and-Coming Crowdfunded Products

Shop successful Kickstarter and IndieGoGo projects on

Ah, Kickstarter. The site full of awesome products that will revolutionize your life, if only they attract enough funding, get produced, and make it to market. takes all the uncertainty out of the equation by listing only Kickstarter and IndieGoGo projects available right now to order or pre-order.

We’re particlarly smitten with Pebble and The WINGStand (two products we’ve had our eye on since their underfunded conception), but you can also browse categories like everything but Apple or, say, gifts under $25.

Besides searching for the coolest things barely on the market, each project’s background, images, and pitch videos are automatically imported for close inspection. Never again will you have to justify pining over Laser AppTag without hope for the real thing on your doorstep.

Because while we love a good imagination, nothing beats the real thing.