Article • September 27, 2012

Alice's Wonderland

Put Grocery Shopping on Autopilot with

Today we want to talk about something very important: toilet paper.

Specifically, not running out of it. Also, not wasting your Saturday shopping for it.

Here to help with that is The innovative site, named for The Brady Bunch wonder maid, is the next best thing to having someone actually do the shopping for you.

Start by telling Alice what you normally buy. The site has great deals on all the household essentials you already use, from Bounty paper towels to Tom’s toothpaste.

There’s free shipping on orders of $49 or more and Alice will search for any available coupons and automatically apply them to your order. And Alice makes reordering the basics easy by organizing items by room and reminding you when you’re running low. You can even schedule Alice to ship all your products at regular intervals, keeping you stocked without even logging in.

As a special bonus, Netted readers will get 20% off their first order with You can pocket the savings to do something fun this weekend. Like not shop for toilet paper.