Article • October 1, 2012

Tech It Out

Read Insightful, Well-Written Articles on Svbtle

In pursuit of our motto of “better living through the Internet,” we prize one trait above all others: quality.

So naturally we love how Svbtle collects only good content from proven writers. The contributors – from newspaper columnists to independent bloggers – are titans of tech by profession, but topics range from veganism to personalized Coke bottles.

The front page lists the most recent articles as well as each story’s author and where they spend their workweek. Thankfully, most posts are short – indeed, this one is only 12 words.

Clicking on an article displays not only that item but also that writer’s complete body of Svbtle work (trust us, this isn’t a one-and-done kind of site). You’ll also find the author’s twitter handle, email address, and a link to their RSS feed.

If you’re interested in contributing, the site’s curators have put in place a pretty serious application process that you’re more than welcome to attempt.

You might have the qualities they’re looking for.