Article • October 24, 2012

Read a Groundbreaking Novel on Your Apple Device

Unlock a futuristic novel with The Silent History

Kids these days. They just aren’t reading as much as they should.

But in The Silent History, a revolutionary new serial novel cum treasure hunt, the situation is much more dire: they aren’t talking, either.

The app – which took a year and a half to produce – chronicles the mysterious epidemic in six volumes with 120 total episodes. Each day, a new episode is pushed to your iPhone or iPad. Factor in the one-month break between volumes and you’ll be done with the book one year from when you started.

While impatiently awaiting tomorrow’s installment, browse the Field Reports – crowd-sourced supplemental narratives that are pinned to certain locations and can only be accessed by actually taking your phone to those locations (note: one is in Antarctica).

The three-part prologue is free; the book itself can be purchased for $1.99 per volume or $8.99 for all six. For a full-fledged teaser, you can watch The Silent History trailer here.

But we recommend waiting for the book.